Not This Teacher's Favorite Mom
It's not even August, and that video is making the rounds again. A mom walking through a store, ranting about the parents who complain about back to school shopping, telling the world all the things she'll happily buy for teachers because she can't stand being in the same house as her kids.What bothers me most is not the egregious show of privilege that is evident when when suggests parents should buy teachers anything they put on their list, although parents with means should remember that parents with kids the same age of theirs may right now be deciding between paying the rent or buying food, and actually CAN NOT buy Kleenex for the classroom. What bothers me most is the multiple times this mom frames her joy in buying for her children's teachers in term of school getting her kids out of the house, with only a nod to the teacher's expertise. I, too, am glad that my kid has teachers who have studied things I can't or don't care to teach, and work hard to teach those subjects to their students.
But it hurts my heart to know that if they haven't already, her kids will one day see this video, complete with such loving lines as "Do you know how much I would pay them just to get my kids out of my face" , "...they're not even allowed to hit your kids" and "because this means I don't have to talk to my kids anymore".. How does a parent explain that to their child? "But kids, I did it for the views! And enough money from my monetized account to buy some of those little bottles of likker you see me sipping from on my kid free shopping trip!"
I want parents to appreciate teachers. When possible, partnering with schools is the best way. If parents can afford it, helping with school supplies is great. Asking your elected representatives why schools aren't fully funded is absolutely vital. (Coffee from time to time is nice, too).
But this isn't true appreciation, and it plays into the stereotype that teachers, especially in elementary school, are babysitters. And most of all, it's not funny. It's exploitative of her children (other videos of hers even more so). It's cruel.