Monday, March 07, 2005

It's been a week

Some days it seems I cry less, others more. One odd thing that had happened is that for the past few months, we had been trying to get TurboSport into his own bed...after all, we had a new baby on the way, and would need the room. Last Saturday night, the night I slept so little for fear of the news I might recieve the next day, he was there between us. But one night away, and he was going to his own bed, of his own accord. We didn't need the room anymore, and now he was not there offering us the small solace of someone to cuddle. But this morning, shortly after 5, about the time I was giving birth last week, who should show up? When we woke up several hours later, Turbo looks at me and says "You're sad because the baby died and is in Heaven". It makes me wonder, if our tiny baby can nudge other hearts from Heaven.


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