Monday, April 12, 2010

Praying without ceasing

I had an 'epiphanous for me" moment a few days ago. I say epiphanous for me because every time I've had an epiphany in the past, I later found out that some one had figured it all out centuries before and I was not actually so brilliant after all. Anyway, it's this. If we are to pray without ceasing, then our every thought is a prayer. My gratitude for a sunny day, and the anger I feel towards those I love. When someone cuts in front of me and I think how nice it would be to see them wrapped around a telephone pole, that's my terrible prayer. Wow.
It comes down to one thing...actually viewing every single person as one of God's precious children. Can we do that? Can we ever get to a point of treating others with compassion if action if we don't do it in our hearts first? It's a daunting task and I'm glad I have God's help.


At 4:19 PM, Blogger Lone Star Ma said...

Me, too. I have a long ways to go.

At 9:27 AM, Blogger Rebecca K. said...

This is just SO TRUE! and how hard is it to get past our own rage and hurt to see people like God sees them.

At 9:36 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I have never thought of bad thoughts as terrible prayers.
just as terrible thoughts.
that's a new/intriguing take- to take them to heart as terrible prayers.

At 8:14 PM, Blogger Sunshine and Shadows said...

I agree with you. I need to watch what I think as well.

At 7:06 PM, Blogger said...

compassion is easier said than done.. we all need God's help to get there...

At 3:04 PM, Blogger KrissleB. said...

Great point Jenna! LOVE IT!

At 4:14 AM, Blogger Amy said...

I appreciate your PO very much the picture with the article. Continues to refuel!!

At 10:40 AM, Blogger Jason said...

that's an interesting perspective. thanks for sharing :-P


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